Thursday, June 19, 2008

GLOSS OF THE DAY: Soap & Glory Cosmetics: Sexy Motherpucker

I'm currently wearing Gloss of the Day
Soap & Glory Cosmetics: Sexy Motherpucker Lip Plumper - Plum Juice

I know I don't really NEED to wear a lip plumper...but I love this gloss!

It has a little tingling sensation..but it doesn't sting. It feels like little bubbles on my lips. Can't explain it, so you'll just have to experience it for yourself. Unlike most plumpers that smell of cinnammon or mint, this has a scent kinda like a warm cup of cocoa with marshmallows. Mmm...

I also like that it is more of a tint, a sheer red, as opposed to a more fully opaque shade, so your natural lip color still comes through. I have this in the brownish nude version too. Love 'em both!

Definitely one sexy motherpucking lip gloss!

1 comment:

Sorrowclouds said...

hehe i like the name of that gloss! sexy motherpucker! lol